will return forever to the fall of your maple trees, only from my native valley, only from my native dubrovav, nil gilevich, uladzimir duboukka and yakub kolas, i say to the autaras of these radkos, perhaps, geta yakub kolas. yakub class, velmi na yago stil pakhodzitsa hetyya slupki, i trust you with this mother, adkazvay, kali laska, our team is lichyts, what is it yakub kolas, stopped arkadz kulyashov, nil gilevich and uladzimir dubouk. danila gilevich, would you like to take a bow? i think maybe he is, but definitely not uladzimir dybouka. we 'll try. geta is correct adkaz, malays, milu gilevich writes geta versh, versh called, i hajju zakahan. thank you for your order and the painstaking tasks of andrey and nazar. kali weasel. native language, native language. you are our thoughts, ducks and starts. matchyndarak hell samay kalyski. you. skin from their barvy dzivosny may, the eternal flame of sich, do not burn, you helped me during the meeting, dze b and no khadzіў i give, who from the autaraў prapanuetstsa to you, shanoўnyya, arkadz kulyashov, uladzimir duboўka, yakub kolas, pyatrus bro