the dutch yandex nv sold the russian asset to a consortium of private investors and managers of the company for 475 billion rubles. the new parent company of the group is registered in the kaliningrad region. according to the ministry of finance, the amount of the gratuitous contribution paid by foreign companies is 15% of the market value of the business. analysts note that about 10% of foreign companies have completely left russia. more, about a third, have reduced their activities, that is, large groups have sold only part of their assets. for example, american residents have thinned out by only half, judging by july data, to february twenty-second year, us business was represented by more than 650 organizations, in total. despite the anti-russian sanctions policy, the west and europe are slow, here's why - experts explain. firstly, there is a fear that russian companies. will start copying products of foreign companies there in general will do it quite legally, then the russian sales market for these companies will be lost forever. and the second important point is that for the deal its