hello, this is dwight schrute from the dunder mifflin paper company. great 'cause i need paper. excellent, then you are in luck because we are having a limited-time offer only on everything. wow, this is my lucky day. [whispering] ask him his name. what is your name, sir? i am bill buttlicker. really? that's your real name? how dare you? my family built this country, by the way! be respectful, dwight. yes, michael. would you hold on one second? that's my other line. what? no--but i-- hello. [chuckles] yeah. no, i'm just on the phone with this stupid salesman. he's so dumb. i'm probably just gonna keep him on the line forever and not buy anything. yeah, okay. it's up to you to change his mind. sorry. that was a family emergency. oh, no. what's wrong? you know what, that's private. boundaries, dwight. come on! i'm sorry, mr. buttlicker. as i was saying, we're having a limited-- sorry, you're gonna have to speak up a little bit louder. i'm hard of hearing. he's hard of-- he's an old man, let's go. okay, as i was saying, right now we are having-- you're go