dzyauchatki, are you useful to vogul? well, of course, we ask for this applause, palina and masha.masha and palina, the first thing prepared for you, the first slide, masha, kali laska, vaiskovets, what kind of wars do we have now, how do we cure them? malaychynka! step on the slide! at night, this can be done on the moon, the sharp-sighted ones, the size of the kali, and the yana... good, masha, now you are a patlumachy pymetnik, advocating for torture, what? people flock to the charge, there are first chalaveks, and there are others, others, tretsi, ta-ta, i konchytstsa geta, pa-belaruska, aposhni, malaychinka. friends, we were fortunate, i think, that you too were lucky enough to compete in this competition, my dear. kali laska, month. shanoina palina, well, now you’re a galoina chalavek for masha, i’ll change my mind to you. yana will respectfully look at you... hear your skin words, kali caress, dzesi pasya aktsyabras are coming from aktsyabrats, aktsyabrats, and then idze piyaner, little girl, step on the slide, these birds don’t fly, i’m here for you sedy, but geta not varon