anna abrosimova, andrey ivanov, channel one. internet hit, a cat named bandit, who fell asleep right in the desk drawer with the money. users suggested that he was counting them, counting them, i thought, i thought i was tired. well, while the cat is sleeping, the huskies are dripping, it’s already 2 from... now the homeland of snow women, both amateurs and professionals demonstrated their skills in sculpting snow sculptures, it turned out very bright and fun. where is the birthplace of snow women in novosibirsk, otherwise why would sculptors from all over the country come here? evgeny gommanov traded the capital's cold for real siberian frost to create his snow sculpture. this is a collective image. the sculpture is called the mistress, the snow woman, the mistress of siberia. he participates in... breaking rocks, all this settled down in the place where the city of novosibirs is now located, now there is a relict forest, the locals can easily recognize it in this sculpture. so, what about the snow woman? one winter, when th