commerce development center, in the other studio for the higher program, mr. qaemi a member of the tehran city council is present and we are going to talk together, but before we start our debate, my colleagues in the market group have prepared a report that i invite us to see together and start our conversation. mr. mohammad khalaj, ceo of snap. in internet taxis , everything is transparent for the passenger and the driver. this transparency has many advantages. it has a quality that cannot be easily found in the traditional market. prescriptive pricing policy is undoubtedly the death of innovation. mrs. negin ansari, legal assistant of tabsi, internet taxis cannot be similar considered city taxis. binding internet taxis to management in the traditional way of municipalities and taxis not only disrupts these businesses but ends up harming people and passengers . mr. ali hakim javadi, head of the system. the price of a computer has always been detrimental to the people and usually has not reached its goal. mr. seyed jafar tashri, head of the civil and transpor