elena dmitrievna from the rostov region, we are waiting for all fans of nadezhda kadyshevo screen, widehat we pass on through the long unloved nights with the unloved. the river is wide, the river is deep, you can’t swim from that bank, low clouds hide the moon’s light, i wish i could fly, but i have no wings, in the damp forest, an evil fire is boiling, worse than night, he stands by the fire, he’s looking for something there all the docks, that horse would push our shores, climbed into house. more called, here it is love, repentant, i am the gate, we, the nights are long, there is an unloved one, an unloved world, it knocked, it is uninvited, here it is love, attention, my childhood passed here. well, let's see how you live, unfortunately, i come to my homeland only twice a year. hello, my grandparents live here, what were you waiting for? of course, of course, i waited, my dear, you’re not cold! no, everything is fine, well, let's undress, now we'll feed you, okay, i put on some makeup, so let's peel the onion, as they say, daddy feeds everyone, denmark and i keep in touch all the ti