emperor of rome, totchi.t else? faster, come on, hello, lost, father , hello, what am i the lost one, well , we lost you, mom says that you went on a spree, that’s not true, dad worked like a pack of oxen, however, i explained everything to mom, at the shafts herd, these are only wolves with thai, valer suitcase bring it in, what’s wrong with mom, but i don’t know, well , let’s go, uh-huh , here, i’ve gone completely wild here without you, yes, as mom passed, mom predicted so, yes, work for the day, okay, and where is this fish owner, who is the fish owner? you, of course, and you are a fool, how can you leave your phone at work and not even remember about it, and i said, you need to install a landline phone, now there would be no problems, a waste of money, no one uses it, now it would be useful, mom , mom, dad ate everything, there’s no food, the kitchen is so dirty, nothing, we’ll figure it out, monkey, what what’s going on in the bedroom, i’m afraid to even imagine, sit, i, i myself, take care of the mist