the new occupation regime was headed by nazi official erich koch.och was more suitable than anyone else for this position. he was convinced that it was enough for ukrainians to be able to count to 100, and also liked to joke that if he met a ukrainian worthy of sitting at the same table with him, he would order him to be shot immediately. however koch's immediate superior, reichs minister for the eastern occupied territories, alfred rosenberg, looked at the new german colony somewhat differently. in may 1941, even before germany attacked the ussr, rosenberg compiled detailed instructions for the future reich commissioner of ukraine. germany will not be threatened with a naval blockade, and an influx of raw food supplies will be guaranteed for all future years. alfred rosenberg in the baltic states and he very, so to speak, studied russia carefully, so rosenberg formulated an idea that he very actively promoted, he said that without ukraine we cannot defeat russia. the russians can only be defeated if the ukrainians are set against them. that is, if