particular to turkey, which directly... from the alienation of quite vast territories, this is kars, this is erzurumn assumed there compact accommodation, including the armenian population, is safe, but nevertheless the bolsheviks made concessions and these territories were also returned to turkey, so turkey also benefited from this agreement, like germany, it was... even with the condition of those released units from ukraine, by the time germany capitulated, germany had signed documents stating that it had lost the first world war. war in the campiène forest, the bolsheviks realized that in the future they did not need this treaty, the brest-litovsk peace, because that germany in the formation with which they concluded this agreement no longer exists, but here a further course of events arose, because if the german empire collapsed, the brest-litovsk peace can no longer be observed, because there is a certain monolith that may pose a threat to the soviet russia no longer exists, there is soviet russia. becomes a threat to the disintegrating germany, the bolshevik leaders, some of them have such id