the day, larry, when i coached i had all kind of kids on my team from all religions, colors and race esdis it did not make a difference, we should not look at colors it was about being color blind, if we don't start looking through a length of being color blind, no color but look at americans, if we don't do that we're not going to make it. larry: on that point, senator, on that point, the nonapology apologies, harvard for example, claudine gay said, racial animus was the problem. against blaming race. harvard board, whatever, corporation called it racist vitrial that misses the point about anti-semitism and plain plagiarism, and diversity, equity and inclusion are watch words for more rac racism. and alan dershowitz on last night, this is not the way that world works, you coached thousands of kids, they probably came into our office, thousands of times, talk about stuff, did it fall back to social justice and racism or were they serious about this or let me ask you, maybe you felt pressure at the big universities you worked at? >> no, what happens in sports, the way should be in the natio