esma, the court of the council, the court of the union, the council of fraternities, but this is morecally what i noticed is that all the events are done so that the students themselves learn how to somehow communicate with each other, have a good time, in principle, just develop cultural here is the ratio in the states, well... to put it mildly, it is not so close to this, it looks more vulgar, it was very difficult for me in my first year, because i came alone with my brother, although to visit a relative, but that’s all i still felt as if i was here alone, without parents, without anyone, thanks to the fact that i also found the council of fraternities, it helped me a lot in adaptation, only this year i was enrolled as a member of the council of fraternities, i mainly last year was just involved in... traffic, filming footage from navruz, i was filming footage from a football match, it was more like not being part of the team, now i’m part of the team, thanks to our new chairman, i’m now the head of the communications department, that is , translators, basically we communicate ther