as in tom a, this is evan coleridge. he's a reporter from the was through john those and he's a present invited me perkins, russia sofa. he's being held for a year to stuff is still nice. he ceased to and he's these papers, the leadership joint forces in washington dc recently to mark that one year milestone and to increase pressure and politicians to get team free. or you can imagine that's been a really difficult year for a family. it's just a lot of uncertainty and we just have to take it day by day discovery. simself is relying on displaying. she said he has a very strict routine. he's created this routine for himself so that he can just stay busy. and that really helps to post mental health gifts go, which had food. maybe i could edition to walk in russia, but he was arrested white on that story. assignment in the territory on this accused of spice is the 1st time on the american journalist, us faith such charges in russia since the cold war gets cold beach on the wall street journal of the night. and while the whit