khaiman ahman bialik, he actually started writing poetry in volozhin, and he wrote it secretly, right have time to study poetry, sorry, but i left it, this moment is still present, there are descendants who founded a university in israel, barylanu, still exists, there are those who founded a very large yeshiva in new york, well and so on, one could list quite a lot, and several people even generally moved towards the revival of israel , the revival of jewish life here as such. where children wear kippahs, where aspects of history and traditions are studied together with mathematics, that is primary school provides the kind of education that may have been at the level of those educational institutions of the 19th century, i visit this school in minsk and this one in gomel quite often, i am very proud, especially this moment when the peace fund, our belarusian peace fund gave the status of a school of peace to this tikvah school, and young... peacemakers appear, that is , they understand that even today, in our turbulent times, peace is very fragile, it is very subtle, in their second,