sister fatinia, good morning. your path to god has been long and thorny.nts, and... ruining people, here’s one grandmother who secretly me baptized , took me, because it was impossible for anyone to know that i and how old you were, yana had a little one, i don’t remember this, don’t remember, they told me, so, but she always told me, don’t take off the cross, no matter what, and never speak bad about god, that was all her teaching, more nothing, this cross... it’s a simple tin cross or whatever it is , i’m wearing it now, thank god, the second grandmother, i woke up at night and saw that her lamp was burning, and she was on her knees, and in the morning i should be there to do some work for the farm, because they lived on a farm with their own farm, there was a lot of work, but somehow i just realized later that this was some kind of work. surprisingly, i was quite harsh in my youth, and my grandmother will always listen and calmly say: as you say, granddaughter, she was very mischievous in childhood, do you remember your first visit to the temple? you kn