this is the animated story of fille shabadeh baz , which will be broadcasted on omid channel at 18:00. the network broadcasts a few good men at 19:00. this the movie is about a rookie lawyer who has to defend two navy soldiers who are accused of murder . zhao's 100,000-strong army attacks a part of china. this story. and the movie "traffic" will be broadcast at 21:00 on the show network. this movie is the story of trying to donate body organs of a young boy who died. johnny dollar's show series is broadcast every friday on radio show. he solves the crime. sincerely, johnny dollar. johnny dollar, the most memorable radio program of the 30s, 40s and 50s of iran radio. trap for johnny dollar written by abdul hossein momeni sh. the first character of this series, detective johnny dollar. while paying respect to you and the respected audience of the weight of news network, the reality is that one of the as a fanatic supporter and interested in radio shows and also a teacher in this field, i have always wanted to develop the communication range of radio shows in today's tumultuous and moder