foreign nationals and immigrants affairs of semnan governorate said in this ceremony: religious delegations obtained the necessary permits with the coordination and registration of the information of the delegation and officials of the delegation and processions in the sahama system. yusuf kalish added that this year's delegation and processionists are preparing to participate in ham hosseini in iraq with better conditions and are playing their role well . on the sidelines of this ceremony, a pilgrimage to yahya imamzadeh and paying respects to the martyrs who defended the shrine, especially the martyrs of the fatemiyoun army, were held. the closing ceremony of the second mobaheleh national conference was held in tuysarkan. one of the professors of the university of afghanistan said in this conference: "mabhaleh is the axis of unity." shia and sunni muslims and the front of truth stands against the front of disbelief. according to hojjat al-islam sayyed may god have mercy on him nasiri , the real historical exchange between the holy prophet of islam may allah bless him and grant him peace a