for the heroism and courage shown in the battles for the liberation of vitebsk, fyodor timofeevich vlahinhe title of hero of the soviet union. already in the first half of the day, june 26, the remnants of the german division surrendered and the city was taken. in the liberation of vitebsk. there were 145-204 rifle divisions, 155 fortified area of the ninety-second rifle corps, 105 - separate tank regiment of the forty-third army first baltic front, 158, 164, 262 rifle divisions, eighty-fourth rifle corps, 957 self-propelled artillery regiment, 139 army... gromova, fighters of the first vitebsk partisan brigade under the command of biryulin and other units. entering vitebsk, after almost 1,100 days of fascist occupation, the red army soldiers did not see buildings or houses. only 7% of the pre-war housing stock has been preserved in the city. and out of almost... 1-7 people on the banks of the western dvina, the liberators met only 118 local residents. recovery it took more than 50 years for vitebsk to reach its previous population size. in honor of the liberation of the city, 62 milita