Jan 18, 2024
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. >> isa, adelante asi es, nicole octavio, claudia sheinbaum y xochitl galvez, las precandidatas, asimainez, el unico precandidato a la presidencia de la republica, concluyen este jueves las prec hampanas. >> durante estos dos ultimos meses recorrieron miles de millas en tiempo record para visitar el mayor numero de la coalicion sigamos haciendo historia de morena, pt y partido verde. >> claudia sheinbaum visito 30 entidades, dejando pendiente zacatecas xochitl galvez, precandidata de la coalicion fuerza y corazon por mexico del pripan y prd tampoco visito ese estado considerado uno de los mas peligrosos de mexico. >> ella visito 28 entidades, dos menos que sheinbaum y el ultimo estado al que fue tabasco, la tierra del presidente lopez obrador. >> yo le hablo a la senora sheinbaum, a claudia, que conteste debatimos o no debatimos de acuerdo con varias encuestas, claudia shimbao encabeza las preferencias electorales. >> por cierto, xochitl galvez ha retado varias veces a claudia sheinbaum para debatir y esto le contesto la banderada morenista. >> que no por mucho madrugar amanece mas t
. >> isa, adelante asi es, nicole octavio, claudia sheinbaum y xochitl galvez, las precandidatas, asimainez, el unico precandidato a la presidencia de la republica, concluyen este jueves las prec hampanas. >> durante estos dos ultimos meses recorrieron miles de millas en tiempo record para visitar el mayor numero de la coalicion sigamos haciendo historia de morena, pt y partido verde. >> claudia sheinbaum visito 30 entidades, dejando pendiente zacatecas xochitl galvez,...
Jan 19, 2024
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. >> claudia sheinbaum, xochitl galvez y jorge alvarez mainez. >> la batalla mas fuerte sera entre dos por la p presidencia. >> hoy se anuncia que habra tres debates antes de las elecciones y seran obligatorios. >> ¿y cuanto plastico consumimos los humanos? >> esta en lo que comemos, en lo que respiramos en nuestro s segmento planeta tierra ale alertamos sobre los peligros de los microplasticos. >> con julio vaqueiro buenas tardes. >> hoy el dolor y la conmocion por la masacre escolar de ubalde se reviven. >> se reviven. >> el departamento de justicia dio a conocer el informe oficial sobre la respuesta de la policia a este tiroteo. >> concluye que la respuesta fue un fracaso. >> sugiere que ese fracaso p provoco mas muertes. >> 77 minutos estuvo el atacante dentro del colegio le dio tiempo para matar a 19 ninos y a dos maestras. >> hoy el fiscal mary garland lo dijo de forma contundente, las victimas y los sobrevivientes merecian mas. >> francisco cuevas tiene los detalles del informe y la r reaccion en ubalde. >> policia. >> el reporte de mas de 500 paginas del departamento de justici
. >> claudia sheinbaum, xochitl galvez y jorge alvarez mainez. >> la batalla mas fuerte sera entre dos por la p presidencia. >> hoy se anuncia que habra tres debates antes de las elecciones y seran obligatorios. >> ¿y cuanto plastico consumimos los humanos? >> esta en lo que comemos, en lo que respiramos en nuestro s segmento planeta tierra ale alertamos sobre los peligros de los microplasticos. >> con julio vaqueiro buenas tardes. >> hoy el dolor y la...
Jan 19, 2024
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. >> durante dos meses las candidatas claudia sheinbaum por el oficialismo y xochitl galvez del frenteor mexico recorrieron miles de millones de tiempo record para visitar el mayor numero de ciudades y municipios de este pais. >> el unico candidato hombre, jorge alvarez mainez, se unio hace solo unos dias a la carrera presidencial por el partido movimiento ciudadano. >> ahora, segun diferentes encuestas, claudia sheinbaum es la unica candidata esta arrib en la preferencia de voto por mas del doble que la candidata de la oposicion xochitl galvez, mientras que hombre esta muy por debajo de mayo. >> y es que presidenciales en mexico, como ya le dije, son de junio. >> el proximo 2 de junio y para los mexicanos que viven en el exterior y que quieren participar deben primero contar con una credencial para votar, lo que les va a permitir registrarse para emitir su voto en el extranjero. >> agustino lais tiene todos los detalles. >> de elector quiere votar desde estados unidos en las elecciones presidenciales de mexico el proximo dos de ser escuchado tambien en mexico y que nuestro voto puede
. >> durante dos meses las candidatas claudia sheinbaum por el oficialismo y xochitl galvez del frenteor mexico recorrieron miles de millones de tiempo record para visitar el mayor numero de ciudades y municipios de este pais. >> el unico candidato hombre, jorge alvarez mainez, se unio hace solo unos dias a la carrera presidencial por el partido movimiento ciudadano. >> ahora, segun diferentes encuestas, claudia sheinbaum es la unica candidata esta arrib en la preferencia de...
Jan 27, 2024
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cbs's camilo montoya-galvez is at the border crossing in eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: nancy, this never happened before in u.s. history. december was the fourth consecutive month in which u.s. agency are among the mexican border processed close to or over a quarter of a millionilie. december included more than 120,000 parents and children traveling as families. the situation here, however, has changed dramatically in january with daily illegal crossings dropping by 50%. nancy, u.s. officials attribute that job to increase mexican enforcement on the other side of the rio grande, as well as the holiday season. >> nancy: camilo montoya-galvez in eagle pass, texas, thank you so much. turning now to the weather and a flood emergency in the midwest. officials say an ice jam is causing major flooding across northern illinois, with a flash flood warning in effect until tomorrow morning. for a look at snow heading towards the northeast and more rain in the west, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes, from our partners at the weather channel. good evening, mike. >> nancy, good evening. w
cbs's camilo montoya-galvez is at the border crossing in eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: nancy, this never happened before in u.s. history. december was the fourth consecutive month in which u.s. agency are among the mexican border processed close to or over a quarter of a millionilie. december included more than 120,000 parents and children traveling as families. the situation here, however, has changed dramatically in january with daily illegal crossings dropping by 50%. nancy, u.s....
Jan 10, 2024
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candidatos son jorge del partido movimiento ciudadano, claudia sheinbaum del partido morena y xochitl gÁlvezemos de qÉe se trata y que si en este controversial caso. en el video del dÍa nos llega de un refugio de animales desde arizona donde un astuto cachorro llamado king abre la puerta de la carrera y armÓ tremendo festÍn en la oficina. vea usted no mÁs. hace sonar las alarmas en el oficial de policÍa que respondiÓ al sonido de las sirenas al percatarse de la travesura del animal evita su escape y recoge todo el desastre que dejÓ este intrÉpido camino. la policÍa de la zona reconociÓ la labor del oficial y pudo frustrar el plan de fuga de king y otros perros que querÍan salir pues es un coral quÉ le parece. >> ( mÚsica (. ♪cinnadust♪ ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. cargados con cinnadust. la $5 biggie bag es más que el mejor deal. es un biggie biggie deal. una biggie bag con una junior bacon cheeseburger. biggie-biggie. biggie! ♪biggie♪ si quieres el mejor deal, elige la wendy's $5 biggie bag. biggie-biggie. ♪ febreze ♪ no sé ustedes, pero yo necesito que todo esté limpio cuando voy a trabaj
candidatos son jorge del partido movimiento ciudadano, claudia sheinbaum del partido morena y xochitl gÁlvezemos de qÉe se trata y que si en este controversial caso. en el video del dÍa nos llega de un refugio de animales desde arizona donde un astuto cachorro llamado king abre la puerta de la carrera y armÓ tremendo festÍn en la oficina. vea usted no mÁs. hace sonar las alarmas en el oficial de policÍa que respondiÓ al sonido de las sirenas al percatarse de la travesura del animal...
Jan 17, 2024
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. >> george galvez is the executive director of communities united for restorative youth justice. he says the data masks flaws with ceasefire's approach, some which led to no-knock raids targeting black and brown communities and sometimes forcing people into compliance and they, um, proceed to kind of really posture and kind of threaten them that if they don't change their behavior, that there's going to be that they're going to be you know, held accountable. >> um, and then at the end of that, particularly in these sessions where they pull in about 20 folks, they offer two jobs as dishwashers at some, you know, you know, you know, at some restaurant, um, in oakland, galvez says those types of jobs aren't always attractive alternatives. >> another concern that ceasefire statistics are conflated with other programs run by the department of violence prevention. >> so all city grantees who get violence prevention funding, they would very oftentimes take credit for, for, uh, any impact that those strategies have, and consider that to be part of the ceasefire strategy. >> the audit wil
. >> george galvez is the executive director of communities united for restorative youth justice. he says the data masks flaws with ceasefire's approach, some which led to no-knock raids targeting black and brown communities and sometimes forcing people into compliance and they, um, proceed to kind of really posture and kind of threaten them that if they don't change their behavior, that there's going to be that they're going to be you know, held accountable. >> um, and then at the...
Jan 23, 2024
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you also remember that galvez we saw last week he had been the one to expel the jesuits. remember, the jesuits had established the missions in baja, california. they are now expelled. he's asked the franciscans under the leadership of junipero serra, to take over the missions. sara will hand over the missions in baja, california to the dominicans and the franciscan brotherhood will take over the leadership of the missions that will be established in alta, california. and as always, if you have any questions on all this stuff, because of a lot of details you can ask. so galvez, sara and this other gentlemen, here we are in the middle portola, who a captain began planning the settlement of all two california. and this expedition, they're going to go on to determine where they will set up part of their colony and what will be successful for them. these two secured leadership is part of the military, more kind of in line with royal colonial government. sara as our outlier, sara is an interesting figure in and of himself. i'll take a moment just to kind of give you a sense. he
you also remember that galvez we saw last week he had been the one to expel the jesuits. remember, the jesuits had established the missions in baja, california. they are now expelled. he's asked the franciscans under the leadership of junipero serra, to take over the missions. sara will hand over the missions in baja, california to the dominicans and the franciscan brotherhood will take over the leadership of the missions that will be established in alta, california. and as always, if you have...
Jan 6, 2024
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reportera: si en algo coinciden ambas candidatas sochi gÁlvez y claudia sheinbaum es que los mexicanosortero: todo indica que por primera vez en la historia la presidencia de mÉxico serÁ sumida por una mujer y a lo que al dÍa de hoy la disputa serÁ entre dos mujeres. >> aquÍ voy a ser una mujer implacable contra los delincuentes, a mÍ no me temblarÁ la mano para aplicarle la ley. >> nunca ha habido una mujer presidentas, y las mujeres nos pedimos mÁs, pero tampoco pedimos menos. reportero: el gran riesgo es la intervenciÓn de crimen organizado, quien, segÚn informaciÓn del departamento de estado de los estados unidos, controlan entre 30 y el 35% del territorio mexicano. >> de acuerdo a lo que se lo comento en —— se ha documentado en los procesos previos, el crimen organizado si estÁ muy arraigado. reportero: el prÓximo presidente tendrÁ sus manos a 127,000,000 de mexicanos que anhelan un amor calidad de vida. presentador: recuerde que si vive en el extranjero, necesitarÁ una credencial para votar. nos vamos a una pausa, pero regresamoscon mÁs, no le cambie. presentador: hay un programa
reportera: si en algo coinciden ambas candidatas sochi gÁlvez y claudia sheinbaum es que los mexicanosortero: todo indica que por primera vez en la historia la presidencia de mÉxico serÁ sumida por una mujer y a lo que al dÍa de hoy la disputa serÁ entre dos mujeres. >> aquÍ voy a ser una mujer implacable contra los delincuentes, a mÍ no me temblarÁ la mano para aplicarle la ley. >> nunca ha habido una mujer presidentas, y las mujeres nos pedimos mÁs, pero tampoco pedimos...
Jan 23, 2024
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you also remember that galvez we saw last week he had been the one to expel the jesuits. remember, the jesuits had established the missions in baja, california. they are now expelled. he's asked the franciscans under the leadership of junipero serra, to take over the missions. sara will hand over the missions in baja, california to the dominicans and the franciscan brotherhood will take over the leadership of the missions that will be established in alta, california. and as always, if you have any questions on all this stuff, because of a lot of details you can ask. so galvez, sara and this other gentlemen, here we are in the middle portola, who a captain began planning the settlement of all two california. and this expedition, they're going to go on to determine where they will set up part of their colony and what will be successful for them. these two secured leadership is part of the military, more kind of in line with royal colonial government. sara as our outlier, sara is an interesting figure in and of himself. i'll take a moment just to kind of give you a sense. he
you also remember that galvez we saw last week he had been the one to expel the jesuits. remember, the jesuits had established the missions in baja, california. they are now expelled. he's asked the franciscans under the leadership of junipero serra, to take over the missions. sara will hand over the missions in baja, california to the dominicans and the franciscan brotherhood will take over the leadership of the missions that will be established in alta, california. and as always, if you have...
Jan 29, 2024
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. >> reporter: cbs news's immigration reporter camilo montoya galvez is at the border in eagle pass,exas. >> this would be a seismic shift in policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would be allowed to suspend asylum processing when illegal crossings spike, authorizing border agents here to quickly return migrants back to mexico across the rio grande. >> reporter: the terms also would raise the standard to accept asylum seekers and shorten the legal review process of their cases to just six months. while the immigration challenge remains front and center in washington it's also a pressing issue on the campaign trail. >> tell you what. a bad bill is -- idaho rather have no bill than a bad bill. a bad bill you can't have and that's what's happening. >> i say to president biden prove it. get into a room and get this done and prove it because the american people are waiting. i put this on republicans and democrats. i'm not picking favorites in this. i'm telling you they have all not done a good job from the very beginning. >> reporter: also on the docket house republicans re
. >> reporter: cbs news's immigration reporter camilo montoya galvez is at the border in eagle pass,exas. >> this would be a seismic shift in policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would be allowed to suspend asylum processing when illegal crossings spike, authorizing border agents here to quickly return migrants back to mexico across the rio grande. >> reporter: the terms also would raise the standard to accept asylum seekers and shorten the legal review process...
Jan 20, 2024
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jorge: ¿por quÉ no unirse a la campaÑa de claudia sheinbaum o xochilt galvez. >> porque representan cosasn suicidio, pero detrÁs habÍa mucho mÁs. tiffany rovers nos tiene un adelanto. >> un misterioso mensaje de despedida. >> habÍa textos en la computadora que desapareciÓ el domingo en la noche. reportera: vistas y sosechas que podrÍan conducir a algo mÁs oscuro. >> en ese momento supe que le habÍan matado, era imposible que se verÁ suicidado. maity: vamos a cerrar la semana muy bien informados, vamos a hablar de los atracos a punta de pistola a transportistas y conductores que circulan en la autopista de mÉxico querÉtaro que estÁn incrementando en lo que va de esta primera quincena del aÑo, esto le informan las autoridades mexicanas. escuchen bien, sus cuentas podrÍan estar en peligro, mÁs de 70 millones de usuarios estÁn en peligro de haber sido hackeadas, ¿cÓmo saber si es vÍctima de robo de informaciÓn? se los contamos esta noche. jorge: josÉ argentina expulsÓ de su territorio a la esposa e hijos del narco mÁs buscado de ecuador, fito macÍas, lÍder de una organizaciÓn criminal, su fam
jorge: ¿por quÉ no unirse a la campaÑa de claudia sheinbaum o xochilt galvez. >> porque representan cosasn suicidio, pero detrÁs habÍa mucho mÁs. tiffany rovers nos tiene un adelanto. >> un misterioso mensaje de despedida. >> habÍa textos en la computadora que desapareciÓ el domingo en la noche. reportera: vistas y sosechas que podrÍan conducir a algo mÁs oscuro. >> en ese momento supe que le habÍan matado, era imposible que se verÁ suicidado. maity: vamos a...
Jan 6, 2024
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of the morena party and a longtime ally of the current president, obrador and businesswoman xochitel galveztter is united by a coalition of three opposition parties. the us elections will be held on november 5. john f. kennedy, robert francis kennedy, jr. in jur, the date of the general elections is not yet determined. for the past three decades , the african national congress party has been in power, led by the current president, cyril ramoposa. he plans to run again, but the coalition opposes him. opposition parties. the date of elections in venezuela is unknown, but president nicolas maduro promises to hold them in 24. in october twenty-third, the maduro government entered into an agreement with the opposition on dialogue and organizing voting. elections to the european parliament will be held in june, following which senior officials will be appointed faces of the european union, the next presidential elections in europe will take place in finland on january 28. nine candidates are vying for the presidency, the most famous of them being former foreign minister pekka havista. the current
of the morena party and a longtime ally of the current president, obrador and businesswoman xochitel galveztter is united by a coalition of three opposition parties. the us elections will be held on november 5. john f. kennedy, robert francis kennedy, jr. in jur, the date of the general elections is not yet determined. for the past three decades , the african national congress party has been in power, led by the current president, cyril ramoposa. he plans to run again, but the coalition opposes...
Jan 11, 2024
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originario de zacatecas se convirtio en el aspirante mas joven frente a sus dos contrincantes xochitl galvezsheinbaum. >> con la declinacion de samuel garcia como aspirante presidencial, el partido quedo sin candidato. >> con solo ocho dias de pre-c hampana, garcia retomo su cargo como gobernador ante una crisis politica interna. >> no me arrepiento de haber competido, porque al menos sirvio para demostrar que simbramos al poder. >> fue garcia quien el martes en un video en redes sociales adelanto la eleccion del nuevo candidato. >> entrego en la estafeta una noticia que el presidente lopez obrador destaco en su conferencia mananera. >> lo celebro que tengan tengan un candidato que llega tarde a la pre-c hampana pre c hampana electoral. >> el el tercer candidato a la presidencia de mexico fue elegido de forma unanime por integrantes del partido movimiento ciudadano. >> sin embargo, sera en febrero cuando el propio partido inscriba a este candidato del instituto nacional electoral para ratificar esta eleccion. >> joana, es la informacion, regreso contigo. >> cuando nacio, era tan pequenita qu
originario de zacatecas se convirtio en el aspirante mas joven frente a sus dos contrincantes xochitl galvezsheinbaum. >> con la declinacion de samuel garcia como aspirante presidencial, el partido quedo sin candidato. >> con solo ocho dias de pre-c hampana, garcia retomo su cargo como gobernador ante una crisis politica interna. >> no me arrepiento de haber competido, porque al menos sirvio para demostrar que simbramos al poder. >> fue garcia quien el martes en un video...
Jan 17, 2024
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. >> el abogado alex galvez recomienda a los inmigrantes tener cuidado y no autopeticionar a si mismosibunales. >> el porcentaje de exito, no hay ninguna duda. >> tener que aprender las leyes de migracion no es tan facil que en dos o tres semanas nos llega la familia moreno le tardo varios anos para conseguir una residencia para su hijo enfermo. >> entro la pandemia el dia 11 de marzo y pararon presidencia. >> la administracion ha solicitado contratar a 150 nuevos jueces de inmigracion para llegar a 884 en estos momentos, cuando los tribunales de inmigracion estan saturados, algunos abogados nos comentan que ha habido jueces que les han dado audiencia hasta el ano 2028 para continuar sus procesos. >> en los angeles, edgar munoz, noticias telemundo. >> familias de menos recursos y en las proximas semanas el congreso aprueba un acuerdo bipartidista alcanzado hoy. >> este incluye el beneficio para 16 millones de ninos de familias de bajos ingresos. >> hasta ahora, el credito fiscal por hijo es de 2000, pero las familias que no ganan lo suficiente para deber esa cantidad, reciben menos din
. >> el abogado alex galvez recomienda a los inmigrantes tener cuidado y no autopeticionar a si mismosibunales. >> el porcentaje de exito, no hay ninguna duda. >> tener que aprender las leyes de migracion no es tan facil que en dos o tres semanas nos llega la familia moreno le tardo varios anos para conseguir una residencia para su hijo enfermo. >> entro la pandemia el dia 11 de marzo y pararon presidencia. >> la administracion ha solicitado contratar a 150 nuevos...
Jan 11, 2024
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en las elecciones del 2 de junio contra la candidata de morena, claudia sheinbaum, y contra xochitl galvezmplio por mexico. >> hay una tercera persona a arrestada por el crimen de la joven latina embarazada y su novio en texas. >> ademas, con la audiencia de hoy en el congreso, comenzo el proceso para destituir al secretario de seguridad semanas en el vientre de su madre era tan pequena como una lata de refresco hoy, esta bebe es la protagonista de un . tide... supe que era justo lo que necesitábamos... ahora... podemos remover todas las manchas más difíciles que nadie hizo. yo no fui. presentamos el nuevo tide ultra oxi. tiene que ser tide. cuando sophia y jorge vinieron a turbotax... ¡sorprendimos a todos casándonos aquí mismo! (♪♪) y yo hice que contara al presentar sus impuestos, garantizándoles precisión al 100% y su máximo reembolso. intuit turbotax. target tiene drive up, rápido y gratis. ♪ ♪ drive up es rápido y siempre gratis en target. (city noise) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) vives para ser una persona única. vivimos para ayudarte a encontrar intereses en común con otros.
en las elecciones del 2 de junio contra la candidata de morena, claudia sheinbaum, y contra xochitl galvezmplio por mexico. >> hay una tercera persona a arrestada por el crimen de la joven latina embarazada y su novio en texas. >> ademas, con la audiencia de hoy en el congreso, comenzo el proceso para destituir al secretario de seguridad semanas en el vientre de su madre era tan pequena como una lata de refresco hoy, esta bebe es la protagonista de un . tide... supe que era justo lo...
Jan 7, 2024
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en las elecciones que se están llevando a cabo, ah, y claudia sheinbaum, y también tenemos a xóchitl gálveze pueda, o sea, venir aquí a estados unidos, pa' que salgan a votar, gente, y puedan, puedan a participar a un nivel más alto aquí también. damián trujillo: así es, el próximo sexenio en méxico, será dirigido por una mujer, tienes mucha razón, andrés quintero, profesor de ciencias políticas en san josé evergreen community college, gracias por estar con nosotros y por esa información aquí en comunidad del valle. - gracias a ti. - gracias, gracias, y bueno, profesor, gracias. y recuerden, aquí vamos a hablar seguidamente de este tema, porque la boleta llega a tu casa, no hay excusa por no votar. ahí está la información en pantalla, si quiere tomar clases con andrés quintero, ahí está el domicilio de san josé evergreen, el colegio comunitario, y también la secretaria de estado, ahí es donde puede recibir toda la información electoral. a continuación, aquí en comunidad del valle, la magia de leer, no se nos vaya. [música] prueba mis jack wraps, con 100% carne blanca de pollo, a la parrilla
en las elecciones que se están llevando a cabo, ah, y claudia sheinbaum, y también tenemos a xóchitl gálveze pueda, o sea, venir aquí a estados unidos, pa' que salgan a votar, gente, y puedan, puedan a participar a un nivel más alto aquí también. damián trujillo: así es, el próximo sexenio en méxico, será dirigido por una mujer, tienes mucha razón, andrés quintero, profesor de ciencias políticas en san josé evergreen community college, gracias por estar con nosotros y por esa...
Jan 22, 2024
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mitofsky, la oficialista claudia sheinbaum va a la cabeza con el 61% seguida de la opositora xochitl galvezuenta con el 30% del apoyo de los votantes, y jorge alvarez con el 7%. >> en varias encuestas lidera con una amplia ventaja la ex jefa de gobierno claudia sheinbaum. >> las elecciones generales en mexico seran el domingo 2 de junio de este ano y seguimos en mexico porque el enfrentamiento entre los carteles mexicanos esta haciendo que los residentes de chiapas tengan que mudarse de sus casas. >> en las ultimas semanas se aumentaron los secuestros, asesinatos, extorsiones y tambien las intimidaciones. >> todo esto hizo que familias enteras dejaran atras sus pertenencias para buscar proteccion en refugios. >> ¿quien va a esperar la guerra que nos caiga por encima? >> si, teniamos que salirnos proteger por la cuestion de nuestros hijos, de nuestros nietos. >> las autoridades dijeron que estan atendiendo a mas de 200 desplazados en dos albergues creados en comitan. >> creados en comitan. >> los carteles de sinaloa y jalisco luchan por el control de territorios estrategicos para el trafico
mitofsky, la oficialista claudia sheinbaum va a la cabeza con el 61% seguida de la opositora xochitl galvezuenta con el 30% del apoyo de los votantes, y jorge alvarez con el 7%. >> en varias encuestas lidera con una amplia ventaja la ex jefa de gobierno claudia sheinbaum. >> las elecciones generales en mexico seran el domingo 2 de junio de este ano y seguimos en mexico porque el enfrentamiento entre los carteles mexicanos esta haciendo que los residentes de chiapas tengan que...
Jan 29, 2024
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. >> reporter: immigration reporter camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: this would be a seismic shift in policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would be allowed to suspend asylum processing when illegal crossings spike, authorizing border agents here to quickly return migrants back to mexico across the rio grande. >> reporter: the terms also would raise the standard to accept asylum seekers and shorten the legal review process to six months. while the immigration challenge remains front and center in washington, it's also a pressing issue along the campaign trail. >> i'll tell you what, a bad bill is -- i'd rather have no bill than a bad bill. a bad bill you can't have. that's what was happening. >> i say to president biden, prove it. get into a room, and get this done, and prove it. the american people are waiting. i put this on republicans and democrats. i'm not picking favorites in this. i'm telling you they have all not done a good job from the very beginning. >> reporter: skyler henry, cbs news, washington. >>> also on the docket, hous
. >> reporter: immigration reporter camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: this would be a seismic shift in policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would be allowed to suspend asylum processing when illegal crossings spike, authorizing border agents here to quickly return migrants back to mexico across the rio grande. >> reporter: the terms also would raise the standard to accept asylum seekers and shorten the legal review...
Jan 17, 2024
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. >> george galvez is the executive director of communities united for restorative youth justice. he says the data masks flaws with ceasefire's approach. some were sled to no-knock raids targeting black and brown communities and sometimes forcing people into compliance. >> and they, um, proceed to kind of really posture and kind of threaten them that if they don't change their behavior, that there's going to be that they're going to be, you know, held accountable. um, and then at the end of that, particularly in these sessions where they pull in about 20 folks, they offer two jobs as dishwashers at some, you know, you know, you know, at some restaurant, um, in oakland, galvez says those types of jobs aren't always attractive alternatives. >> another concern that ceasefire statistics are conflated with other programs run by the department of violence prevention. >> so all city grantees who get violence prevention funding, they would very oftentimes take credit for, uh, any impact that those strategies have and consider that to be part of the ceasefire strategy. >> the audit will be
. >> george galvez is the executive director of communities united for restorative youth justice. he says the data masks flaws with ceasefire's approach. some were sled to no-knock raids targeting black and brown communities and sometimes forcing people into compliance. >> and they, um, proceed to kind of really posture and kind of threaten them that if they don't change their behavior, that there's going to be that they're going to be, you know, held accountable. um, and then at...
Jan 22, 2024
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preferencia de sheinbaum alcanza el 66% en otras supera por mas del 30% a su rival mas cercana, xochitl galvezultima, su liderazgo llega a un 50% de los encuestados. >> y seguimos en mexico porque el enfrentamiento entre carteles mexicanos esta haciendo que los residentes de chiapas tengan que mudarse de sus casas. >> en las ultimas semanas aumentaron los secuestros, asesinatos, extorsiones e intimidaciones todo esto hizo que familias enteras dejaran atras sus pertenencias para buscar proteccion en refugios. >> ¿quien va a esperar la guerra que nos caiga por encima? >> teniamos que salirnos a proteger por la cuestion de nuestros hijos, de nuestros nietos las autoridades dijeron que estan atendiendo a mas de 200 desplazados en dos albergues creados en comitan los carteles de sinaloa y de jalisco luchan por control de los territorios estrategicos para el trafico de migrantes, armas y drogas. >> un innovador examen esta ayudando a detectar pr prematuramente casos de sangre. >> ya volvemos. >> que espera cruzar a estados unidos a conseguir trabajo. >> el entrenamiento esta in incluido. >> ya inclu
preferencia de sheinbaum alcanza el 66% en otras supera por mas del 30% a su rival mas cercana, xochitl galvezultima, su liderazgo llega a un 50% de los encuestados. >> y seguimos en mexico porque el enfrentamiento entre carteles mexicanos esta haciendo que los residentes de chiapas tengan que mudarse de sus casas. >> en las ultimas semanas aumentaron los secuestros, asesinatos, extorsiones e intimidaciones todo esto hizo que familias enteras dejaran atras sus pertenencias para...
Jan 29, 2024
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camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. what would the immediate impact be?> reporter: good morning margaret. the immigration compromise negotiated by president biden and a small group of senators and congress would dramatically change spols policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would gain authority to shut down asylum processing when a spike in daily illegal crossings. an average of 4,000 are crossing the border each day. that means if this deal was to be signed today, margaret, the president would be able to invoke this power immediately different border agency the authority to return migrants to mexico. this deal includes exceptions and would serve at ports of entry. migrants would be able to work in the u.s. if they pass their initial asylum screenings. margaret, this deal will certainly garner opposition from the left and right, but if congress is able to pass this framework, it would mark the first time that the u.s. immigration system is upgraded since the 1990s. >> which would be significant. camilo i see what is national guard personne
camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. what would the immediate impact be?> reporter: good morning margaret. the immigration compromise negotiated by president biden and a small group of senators and congress would dramatically change spols policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would gain authority to shut down asylum processing when a spike in daily illegal crossings. an average of 4,000 are crossing the border each day. that means if this deal was to be...
Jan 28, 2024
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camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. what would the immediate impact be?argaret. the immigration compromise negotiated by president biden and a small group of senators and congress would dramatically change spols policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would gain authority to shut down asylum processing when a spike in daily illegal crossings. an average of 4,000 are crossing the border each day. that means if this deal was to be signed today, margaret, the president would be able to invoke this power immediately different border agency the authority to return migrants to mexico. this deal includes exceptions and would serve at ports of entry. migrants would be able to work in the u.s. if they pass their initial asylum screenings. margaret, this deal will certainly garner opposition from the left and right, but if congress is able to pass this framework, it would mark the first time that the u.s. immigration system is upgraded since the 1990s. >> which would be significant. camilo i see what is national guard personnel behind you. there has be
camilo montoya-galvez is at the border in eagle pass, texas. what would the immediate impact be?argaret. the immigration compromise negotiated by president biden and a small group of senators and congress would dramatically change spols policy here at the u.s.-mexico border. the president would gain authority to shut down asylum processing when a spike in daily illegal crossings. an average of 4,000 are crossing the border each day. that means if this deal was to be signed today, margaret, the...
Jan 19, 2024
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que incluye al partido morena del presidente actual, amlo, mientras que en segundo lugar va xóchitl gálvezs de las enfermedades asociadas con esta temporada. y de aquí surge la pregunta de hoy es mito o realidad que si frota alcohol en nuestro cuerpo entramos en calor? >> el alcohol nos puede producir esa sensación de calor. parte de lo que hace el alcohol es abrir lo que son las venas y arterias que nosotros tenemos y produce esa enrojeci miento en la piel que nos da una temporalidad de sentirnos un poco más caliente. pero realmente estamos quemando prácticamente nuestro piel y también disminuyendo la grasa natural que tenemos en ella para poder lubricarla. lo que termina haciendo es que se reseca la piel, perdemos más calor, así que a lo mejor dice el médico, es abrigarse o mantenerse en un lugar que esté caliente y no frotarse alcohol en el cuerpo para mantener el calor. >> ahora bien, qué pasa si en lugar de frotarlo tomamos por ejemplo, una bebida alcohólica como el tequila para combatir el frío? qué aconseja el médico al momento que nosotros consumimos el alcohol, prácticamente todo
que incluye al partido morena del presidente actual, amlo, mientras que en segundo lugar va xóchitl gálvezs de las enfermedades asociadas con esta temporada. y de aquí surge la pregunta de hoy es mito o realidad que si frota alcohol en nuestro cuerpo entramos en calor? >> el alcohol nos puede producir esa sensación de calor. parte de lo que hace el alcohol es abrir lo que son las venas y arterias que nosotros tenemos y produce esa enrojeci miento en la piel que nos da una temporalidad...
Jan 22, 2024
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our delegation met with both the leading candidates, senator galvez and the former mayer.iscussion to say this problem is not going to get solved in the next four months. long-term, we want to have a relationship where mexico is doing their part and the united states is doing our part. part of what we've been trying to do is hold the biden administration accountable. just do your job. get border patrol to enforce the laws so that way texas dps and texas sheriffs don't have to fill that gap and house republicans are committed to keep pushing that until we get real results. >> neil: the border is the immediate match here. i think both sides would acknowledge that. there's a reluctance with either side giving in or the administration appearing to give in to republican wishes to strengthen that border. now you get the court decisions that make that a lot more difficult. i'm wondering if that means that this party of a security agreement doesn't come to pass at all. >> yeah, there's a lot of muddied water. that's a good point. the courts are as busy as ever. it's where congress
our delegation met with both the leading candidates, senator galvez and the former mayer.iscussion to say this problem is not going to get solved in the next four months. long-term, we want to have a relationship where mexico is doing their part and the united states is doing our part. part of what we've been trying to do is hold the biden administration accountable. just do your job. get border patrol to enforce the laws so that way texas dps and texas sheriffs don't have to fill that gap and...
Jan 7, 2024
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in june, claudia shine bomb will face off against social galvez.re pragmatic than the current president, who is still widely popular, but faces term limits. as a number of republican candidates in the u.s. have endorsed the idea of using american military to fight mexican drug cartels, on mexican soil, a current election in both of these countries could dramatically alter the relationships with our southern neighbor. the united kingdom last held general elections in 2019, and since then, it's had three different prime ministers. eight years removed from practice, it a cost of living crisis has left britain's unhappy with the conservative party. the labour party, which hasn't controlled government since 2010, is ahead of the embattled conservative party, which is in control now by more than 20 points in the latest polls. then there's the eu itself. people in the 27 different european nations will cast votes for the european parliament, a complicated but not very powerful legislative body of the european union, based in brussels. the election will be
in june, claudia shine bomb will face off against social galvez.re pragmatic than the current president, who is still widely popular, but faces term limits. as a number of republican candidates in the u.s. have endorsed the idea of using american military to fight mexican drug cartels, on mexican soil, a current election in both of these countries could dramatically alter the relationships with our southern neighbor. the united kingdom last held general elections in 2019, and since then, it's...
Jan 17, 2024
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george galvez, the director of communities united for restorative youth justice, says among other things, the program unfairly targeted black and brown men. former former oakland mayor libby schaaf, who was in office when operation ceasefire ended, tweeted yesterday afternoon that while she thinks the audit failed to consider the pandemic's impact on crime in the city, she supports the efforts to revitalize the program. live in studio lena howland abc seven news. >> and a water main break is to blame for a sinkhole in san francisco's financial district. so take a look at this video right here. water from the pipe shot up to ten feet into the air after the break at california and montgomery streets overnight, the sinkhole is right next to a cable car line, but the line does not appear to be affected. nearby homes and businesses may experience low water pressure or even service interruptions, as crews work to repair that break and city workers are inspecting trees in golden gate park after a massive eucalyptus fell onto five vehicles. the incident happened on monday, trapping 11 people in
george galvez, the director of communities united for restorative youth justice, says among other things, the program unfairly targeted black and brown men. former former oakland mayor libby schaaf, who was in office when operation ceasefire ended, tweeted yesterday afternoon that while she thinks the audit failed to consider the pandemic's impact on crime in the city, she supports the efforts to revitalize the program. live in studio lena howland abc seven news. >> and a water main break...
Jan 17, 2024
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george galvez, the executive director of communities united for restored of justice, says, among other things, the program unfairly targeted black and brown men. former oakland mayor libby schaaf, who was in office when operation ceasefire ended, tweeted yesterday that while she thinks the audit failed to consider the pandemic's impact on crime in the city, she supports the efforts to revitalize the program in studio. lena howland abc seven news. >> lena, thank you so much. a water main break is to blame for a sinkhole in san francisco's financial district. take a look at this video right here. water from the pipe shot up to ten feet into the air after the break at california and montgomery streets overnight. the sinkhole is right next to a cable car line, but the line does not appear to be affected. nearby homes and businesses may experience low water pressure or service interruptions as crews repair that break and city workers are inspecting trees in golden gate park after a massive eucalyptus tree fell onto five vehicles. you can see the tree right there. the incident happened on mo
george galvez, the executive director of communities united for restored of justice, says, among other things, the program unfairly targeted black and brown men. former oakland mayor libby schaaf, who was in office when operation ceasefire ended, tweeted yesterday that while she thinks the audit failed to consider the pandemic's impact on crime in the city, she supports the efforts to revitalize the program in studio. lena howland abc seven news. >> lena, thank you so much. a water main...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jan 6, 2024
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mary jane galvez. so the appellant is requesting a rehearing of appeal number 20 3-04 for decided november first, 2023. at that time, upon motion by vice president lopez, the board voted 5 to 0 to deny the appeal and uphold the permit on the basis that it was not that it was properly issued. the permit holders are david kulum and elizabeth elizabeth d. appeal. the permit description vertical addition to add new suite with bedroom, bath and closet. new connecting stair, new windows at rear. new window at existing front facade. resurface existing entry stair and replace guardrails. remove existing bathroom at existing primary suite and convert into a family room. this is permit number 2022, ten, 27, 53, 36 and we will hear from the requester. first, miss alviso, you. have three minutes. i wanted to start first. and if you could adjust the microphone, please, so we can hear you when you get a chance. overhead, please. um, i asked for the rehearing. uh, because, uh, point of point of information. i think t
mary jane galvez. so the appellant is requesting a rehearing of appeal number 20 3-04 for decided november first, 2023. at that time, upon motion by vice president lopez, the board voted 5 to 0 to deny the appeal and uphold the permit on the basis that it was not that it was properly issued. the permit holders are david kulum and elizabeth elizabeth d. appeal. the permit description vertical addition to add new suite with bedroom, bath and closet. new connecting stair, new windows at rear. new...