george raymond is staying at your hotel.tell me, he has already left the hotel, just a minute, i’ll see now, not yet, but he has already ordered a taxi to the airport in half an hour, i can connect you with him, in half an hour, no, thank you , i will try to be in time. thank you, thank you, egor, egor! just go quietly. the day and hour will come, love will come to you, call or not call, where you will meet it, you don’t know in advance, the dark paths of love, dark the paths of love, its step is inaudible, its features are unknown, its language is mysterious, but now love has come, you will recognize it, you will find out that... drymik: uznajesz w to drzejmik, uznajesz to trzymik. i don’t know, i think so, hey, sir, listen back, stop for a moment, i ’m treated like this, come back, hey, they tell you, here, where the servants are, not souls, not a ghost in appeared to me in the silence of the night, well, how could it be, as if your honor’s name, my olch, could hardly melt such phlegm. run quickly, fool, sluggish, you dese