money, weapons, and facilities are entrusted to the responsibility of colonel ghorbin fargh. the main core of the niqab coup is located in nojeh air base in hamadan and is trying to overthrow bakhtiar with the cooperation of a number of air force officers elected by the nation. this was the issue that rukni was raising at that time and he said that this issue was not resolved for me as it should have been in the beginning it was decided in our coup headquarters. at first, mr. bani sadr was supposed to be one of those who would be eliminated, but gradually we saw that in the meetings we had in this regard , the issue regarding mr. bani sadr is becoming easier and that he is not there. he should go and be imprisoned, for example, until finally, when we decided to stage a coup, in those last nights and the last meetings , the issue was that the best guards of the coup and the most trained people became mr. benisad's bodyguards. in the last consultations, it is decided to launch the july 18 coup. benaz on the night of july 18 in small groups , they will go to the designated place