talents to celebrate the whole country for the beginning of the year of arganizata. visit smargone, glybokind other small towns of belarus. at the site of the master gallery, the university of culture , the finalists of the international competition are the little ones, the light in which i live. creative rescue workers have completed their work in all parts of belarus and the nizhny novgorod region of russia. for the chatty bastards іsnavannya lakalny competition of heights and ablasnoga scale, and the pasta was published internationally. arganizatary defines a genre variety. belarusian doilitstva, which is your jumping spirit right now, is getting to know you and master you. russian style. he worked on and excavated such symbolic elements of that old architecture, but the materials were already different, there were trees, there were stone materials, and there they were created like this, well, it looks like an imitation, historically created significant cultural aspects in the region. shchuchansky palace of drudsky lyubetsk prisoners on the old month, there was already... a meeting, a me