and understand that such athletes are there, there is also a french tennis player , a barbaryta from grachovaly received citizenship literally six months ago and is already performing in bars of the french flag, but it is not practically very rare here, it is already such a special deeper comment, where can remember the origin, that here she comes from russia, let's say, extremely rarely, for the commentators, for the viewers, for everyone who watches, it is a french or italian or german representative or a representative with such a slightly strange surname, no more. there are no references here and the plus is that in the event that it is not necessary, no one will even mention any past origin or past successes, this is only when i say again, when there will be a special comment, maybe some interview something like that that is why russia is absent here, it was present in the commentary only once, when during the opening of the olympics, as they say, floodlights illuminated the ukrainian delegation, then... those who conducted this event, the commentators, they told why such attention to an