good for all photographic techniques, guma arabika is a mystery to any creator.impressive that it happens that a small detail can do all the work. it is necessary to be well-drinking, but the watchmen and the hell of the smoke of drybass and the captured ones. we are very grateful to the local museum, the museum-reserve in the city of zaslau, for providing such a magical demonstration of the work of our autar. tolya drybasa, which is illuminated by the easter nation hour our belarus is developing, the hell of the old hours, where we are in great abundance, the polish cathedral, we are in great abundance in the region, the sun has swelled, where our museum-high hall has become a dance hall for the display of creativity famous photographers of belarus, and all these exhibitions last year. yana is extraordinary, and the one who knows here, she can learn the extraordinary technology that our autars use, and which we are not presenting and presenting, not looking at what yana is not great i'm casual and fashionable. the exhibition has 40 works, they have local history