hanna buikevich, vital bardashevich, brest region.in, and pain, and people respect the growth. dabrachyny actions are hell. the modernization of vegetable storage facilities has ended, this year we collected 15 tons of potatoes, basically we have about 70% of those living in rural areas, we have almost everyone benefits from their own farm and land. thank you for our care, for looking after us well, good health to everyone, these events , most likely, it seems to me, are not even needed by the people we come to, they are more needed by the people who come here for the purpose of to congratulate a happy new year, who would like to share this joy with someone else and receive it, it is worth a lot, i am grateful for this opportunity, which is provided to our ministry today, the opportunity that is provided today. and love to everyone around us, to ourselves, we want to say that there is no such thing as old age, going to a meeting according to the wishes of my wife, i, as they say, went and kept her company, now i don’t regret it, in ge