two years later, when iran was plunged in revolution, haris adle, the foreign ministry spokesman, calledctator. uh, there was not really any sharing of power after the mosadek era with anybody else. the sha uh kept all power for himself. any trappings of democracy that existed, like elections or political parties or anything, independent newspapers, were just a sham. it was iran was a dictatorship under the shah. it was not highly repressive until the 1970s. i would say it was more like moderately repressive in the in the 50s and 60s. in the 1970s it became highly repressive. و خود همین نبودن دولت در مقابل مردم و حائل نبودن. بین مقام سلطنت و مردم نتیجهش این شده که الان تمام این نارضایی ها متوجه شده به شخص اول مملکت و حالا که به عقیده من مسئولیت نباید به این شکل جدوه می کرد و این آقایون بالاخره مسئول هستن علیای حال در مقابل مردم مطابق قانون اساسی سلب مسئولیت نمیشه ولا اینکه اعلیحضرت اینها مسئولن در مقابل مردم من مملکت مطابق قانون. on february 3rd, 1977, 66 political prisoners were released from qasf prison, all of them denied being tortured when in detention. this was part of their freedo