it is mentioned in the transformation document as hayat tayyaba schools that can cover all hours of educationd having space is our duty in terms of physicality, now in terms of approach and exploitation, education itself should be nurtured he should plan for that in the 7th plan, 200 complexes by the end of the 7th plan, 200 large -scale complexes that are suitable for this situation are included in the so-called program, which is the share of the year 1403, god willing, because it also starts from the place of production, because according to the decree of small schools you should, sir. and it will become a large-scale school . we have to start 50 large-scale complexes, god willing. it is a difficult task to start a process with our lack of resources . god willing, it will definitely start in 1403. yes, 1403 . that ahead of us they are moving, we are with them, from the people's groups, jihadi groups, media people, whose writings and expressions were next to the school builders and encouraged them and gave them a boost to their work . i must thank all these dear ones. we are saying goodbye t