. >> rex heuermann is a demon that walks among us. >> byron: prosecutors say heuermann was living a double of two and architect who commuted into new york city. >> i'm an architectural consultant, i'm a troubleshooter, born and raised on long island -- >> reporter: heuermann appearing in this youtube video over two years ago around the time investigators formed the new task force and began to suspect he could be a killer. court documents claim that he allegedly used fake names to sign up for multiple emails, which he used to search for sex workers, child and torture pornography. he even had a tin der profile looking for dates or hookups. heuermann allegedly searched "why hasn't the long island serial killer been caught?" and "long island serial killer update." heuermann is due back in court in october. >>> when we come back, we're one on one with former olympian marion jones, once known as the fastest woman in the world, now using her strength to help others through tough times. i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but jus