hossein shamkadari, the documentary maker and creator of the documentary bayothanha, which by the way refers to the same issue of mr. nouri's trial. we belong to the family of the terror martyrs, who are the children of martyr hashminejad, one of the martyrs of the terror. dear, we are at your service. very shocking news reached me today. it was very strange. i was taken aback. majid nouri, his first friend said, come here , i have something to do, i said, majid, don't bother, work , he said no, come on, you have to come, at that time, he couldn't answer the phone . he said, "yes, i said, 'is it possible? '" i couldn't believe it at all, i mean, you, these hypocrites , when we were in this court, they were swearing , saying, "look, this is over, i'm here for the rest of my life." he said now that they are quoting them saying that they are ablutions god can't release him, he said, god can't release him, and they swear on this matter , how happy they were, thank god , it was a very strange news, i mean, i'm still in shock, i still really believe that i will talk more with the experience