mozafari, the usage statistics of users are respectively dedicated to ita, yes, igf and gf messengers, which since the beginning of this year enabled the possibility of sending messages without the need to install other messengers by activating the mutual connection feature. plan interconnection between iranian messengers, new feature to fix. the monopoly and need of people to communicate with each other is in messengers. thank you for your cooperation. good night and god bless you. iranians, don't buy shoes, let's buy shoes on friday, dad , let's go somewhere, where to go to a movie theater , let's go on friday, let's go to amina's mom's house , why not, let's go on friday, let's go. let's go on saturday, now why don't we go on friday, since we are faced with crowds on fridays due to your unique welcome, we suggest to visit on saturdays for an easier shopping experience. it is thursday, shahr farsh shahr, household appliances, from periodic service, just to test your battery. a 20 battery does not need to be tested. orbital car battery with a 20-month warranty from sepahan battery. t