dmitry tolmachev, igor kritskov, dmitry kucheryavets, natalya sidorova, channel one donetsk. mission, which the military joined in these new year's days, a large-scale wish tree campaign, its goal is to help the dreams of children who, in different ways, come true... you just need to join the squad for this, but as for the aerobatic team, when they are here and flying, we’ll try to show them around. well , the updated travel portal will tell russians how to spend the upcoming new year holidays for our foreign guests. it contains verified information about attractions, popular routes, hotels, guides and tour operators. the presentation took place. first, at the federal level, we collected the entire database of proposals, let’s say, regions, routes, hotels, sights, everything that generally exists in the regions and what has been promoted recently, it’s all collected in one place, the second point is that there is also an opportunity there, there is integration with the ruspas project of the moscow government, which allows for links to specific places, specific products you ca