my name is igor loshnik, i am the scientific secretary of the mir castle complex museum, and we are preservingfuture generations. i come from the village of turets, which is 12 km from mir, perhaps this craving for historical and cultural heritage. brought by my former class teacher, a historian by training, we sometimes went on trips, including across the world to nesves, to nesves castle, at that time it turned out to me that it was something like a huge, black ruin, nothing more, already after graduating from the institute, fate turned out to be such that i was assigned here to secondary school. school, having worked for 3 years, for some reason i began to realize that in the future, it was the castle that would become here is the center of all life in this urban village. with the arrival of the museum, at that time a branch of the national art museum, our museum part was represented by a single tower. we call it the southwestern one, where six museum exhibitions have been located since 1992. 40 years since the restoration of this castle began, this is 1983, later it became clear that the o