irina shmirina, dmitry pyrkh, maria bulgakova, vesti lugansk.rubles have been invested in the development of the far east. in the arctic this year, tens of thousands of new jobs have been created, the pace of housing construction is increasing, and it is becoming more affordable thanks to the far eastern mortgage program. about the results of the outgoing deputy prime minister plenipotentiary envoy of the president of the far eastern federal district yuri trutnik told our channel in an interview. investors are launching 177 enterprises this year, which is a lot. the amount of investment, if we are talking about the far east and the arctic, because this is also a responsibility, has almost reached 4 trillion. 3,980 140,000 new jobs created, huge and very important for the far east, the construction program, in fact, the renovation of twenty-five cities of the far east is starting, tens of thousands people have already taken advantage of the far eastern mortgage program, there are lower payments, a lower start-up fee, and, well, russian laws. abou