bien, volvemos, estamos con iván carrasco, we're back with iván crasco. for a deeper conversation aboutslamic world. is it important to talk about what is happening in the world of islam today? islam is a whitespread religion, more than 25% of the world's population. we're talking about population equivalent to 1 billion and 900 million people. what is the state of unity in the islamic world? fundamentally regarding the palestine issue and regarding the struggle against the occupy. attempts have been made to smash this unity among muslims, they use differences between school. of thought, but we see that they have failed, as you can see about a month ago, all the islamic countries gathered in saudi arabia, when we say the world of islam, i mean all member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation. the purpose of the meeting was one thing, and that is to resolve the palestine issue, that is the issue of the historical land of palestine, and in particular with the recent events in gaza and the recent brutality. in general, this gathering was in fact an effort to confront the ene