me, daughter, your father is deciding your fate at this moment, seriously, you’re a good guy, what, ivandraevich, svetlana, a very good girl , who will sort them out there, and mine once was, and now, if i were single, well, please, please, the bill, what is this, please, the bill. and one answer, all troubles , champagne, three stars for cognac, here ’s kondroch, four stars, four, uh, go for a walk, guys, eagles, cut the attack, brothers, ours! hi on the dalins, ah on the usgorii, on the divisions, forward vro. well, everything is in order, svetlana is sleeping, svetlanochka, let's get out of here, let's go, let's get out of here, let's go, let's go, let's go, the smile, no doubt, will suddenly touch you. if you don’t leave, i won’t look at his prominent position, i will reach out to good public organizations. how did you come up with this? well done, guys, i need the chairman of the factory committee, go everyone, goodbye, i’m the chairman of the factory committee, it’s good that you’re a woman, i’m a mother, little lights, and i’m a mother. as you can see, sergei kept his word. svetla