it turns out that the gang included ivchenko, chugunkov and his half-sister, the murdered vchinnikovans out: that they killed him before their first raid, it looks like a purge of a witness, or we know too little about them, yes, hello evgeniych, i’m coming to you, come in, they asked me to tell you who? not i know, some guy said the last kiss, what a kiss, the last one. the handset, yeah, it’s beautiful, but it won’t help the investigation in any way, what kind of person is there, there are documents, not any, wow the price, stop staring at the price, better go take the phone out of your bag, i’ll find out who it is, hello, hello, hello , i think this is your case, the store is not local. her name is tikhomirova valentina ivanovna , born in 1900, seventy-five, if yesterday they had given me an additional child, she would have been alive, that’s it, we won’t take her alive, listen. it's been 4 days, listen, let's come to me, i'll tell you i haven’t come yet, you’re still in business, and i’m sure, more than sure, that a barrel is not needed, okay, there’s a deaf chinese language, ther