jamaran had already settled down. they said , "bring these children to see me. we arrived there with the mother of my service. it's an interesting memory . our elder brother, mr. asad mahdi, asked the imam when imam zaman was." he was asked about the appearance of the imam . he asked his mother that children at this age ask about the appearance of the imam of the time. she asked the imam of the time. i sat down at the feet of the imam and held the feet of the imam. i said, "our father." at that time, when the imam realized that the mother wanted to calm us down, then the mother explained that these children, for example, went to their father. they take it, i say that imam zaman will appear with your father and this question is why he asked you this question , imam reminded me at that time behind my back and said that you should pray, imam zaman will definitely come with your father . it was really comforting, that is , the words of imam nafs, imam ar. you mentioned in several places in your speech, your honorable mother, ms. silspor, yes, they are fine, thank go