well, they try to add some reality in life despite the war, despite the coughing, the jim joseph j. i think she's, she's the one on the not in the not as you meant to be the cause you don't live and that's a benefit all a sudden the then lots of good know hot come which are going to send one animal the the the tab to the establishment of the boxes for his email is been in 1933. the physician of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur and tony all day. i live at salazar encouraged colonizing the in goal in lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961, there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese. in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race rides took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angola rose in an armed rebellion . the road jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the island, the portu