k. dash the how are the weather is set fair across the middle east? barely a cloud in the sky looking good over the next couple of days as well, with the temperatures around the gulf had around to 23 cell just picking up here and go. how to around $45.00. is it go through eh, thursday, a southerly wind coming it home on several 7. know if that'd be have got showers because know them areas of iraq pushing into around wintry in nature as they drive the way across. the cool cause is and that's a bit of a winfrey mix making the way across the top here as well. the eastern side of the med looking pretty right over the next couple of days actually went to windy weather, piling across cyprus, syria, 11 and jordan. right, the way down into the occupied palestinian territories through a israel seems to me rather live the showers, the west with the northeast system. the suspects with us day coming on into lebanon in particular, but right across the basis of the night, it doesn't become settled over the next few days. a few of the shelves affecting the final fac