they shot from the same pistol that killed kadochnikov, interesting, yes, it turns out, what are youblank, well yes, from about three meters, no more, the first one hit the field, so it hit the chest, the second one hit the leg, the third one hit the air, well that means we have no shooter, that's why i think maybe they shot at silvestrov after all, but they hit kadochnikov, well, as i understand it, you've all heard, but we have the same killer, so here even a moron in the city understands, we have a maniac, gentlemen owls, a maniac, and you know how many different types of maniacs there are, fredists, jungists, tolkienists, tolkienists, this is not a maniac, the killer was tracking down sylvesterov, shot point-blank, and i think, what does it mean, a girl, no one, what? we need to send security to the hospital, i don’t understand, why are you giving orders here, in the end the final decision is made by a man, right, lyosha, tell me, right, so you? lyosha, we’ll lose sylvesterov, no, yes, yeah, no, yeah, that means you'll answer for everything before the thunder, lyosha, you know, i