kanazawa a city. - yeah??. - yes. - a lolot of crab.b. - yeah.. see, shrhrimp, sardidines. let't's go therere. - okokay. ooh, l look at ththat, uni. sea urchchin, one ofof my a absolute fafavorite thi, has a lilimited seasason inin japan, from sepeptember to o apri. anand it's tasastiest in winteter. oh, gogood. - - [laughs] - frfrom here? - [speakaking nativeve langua] both: : hokkaido.. - goodod deal. anotheher seasonalal speciay currenently at orr nenear its besest-- kano-gani,i, or s snow crab, , juicy and sweet t and deliciciou. ohoh, man, thahat is . - reallyly good. [slslurps] sweet, huhuh? - very. - we need d a sake, huhuh? [lau] - yeahah. [bototh laugh] - [s[speaking nanative langug] - gogood. - - good, realally good. thank yoyou. - ththank you! - thank k you. veryry good. [instrtrumental mumusic] ♪ ohoh, let's eaeat this . [speakining native l languag] yeyeah. - - eel liversrs, grilled d on a stickck. unagagi? - ununagi, yeah.h. - yeyeah. ooh, h hot. [lauaughs] - goodod, huh? ♪ - oyoysters. these ara