and there is talk of a series of candidates such as branko ivankovic skocic and zlatkulic and even kardron, where calderon said that i retired completely , no one came to my side at all. mr. dalic , who is the head coach of the domestic team, was also canceled. considering that oman is placed in the group of saudi arabia and as a prediction , it can benefit from its own group as the second team, maybe 10-15 days. after the report, we will check other issues and a communication. where cooper is on a space trip to find a planet for human life again, trapped in the dimensions of time and suspended in space. suddenly, behind the shelves of his library , he sees a picture of himself a few years ago at the beginning of this journey. yahya is also probably in that mood, he keeps going back and saying to himself, i wish i had caught the dog right there. i would have been separated from the presplis bench, or when my team's transfers reached the recruitment of bahui, but yahya has already shown that he does not say no to the police press. in 1978, when he got sick , they said that if he doesn't die