karyn gurevich and dzmitry garkusha, agency.inistry of inspectorate of minsk has strengthened control over regular taxis. the task of preventive action is to prevent the traffic of passengers in the cabin of such transport. sometimes the inspectors make a guess. and according to the rules of the road, passengers are subject to restrictions on in the first and last days, vadzitselya would have all the necessary documents. particular attention is paid to compliance with the speed limit, compliance with the rules for transporting passengers, well, in general , compliance with traffic rules, so be careful, do not break them, so in principle everything is fine with you, goodbye, everything is fine. the main violations of taxi drivers are, of course, non-compliance with the rules for transporting passengers, namely failure to use seat belts in the proper order. please be reminded that you must wear your seat belt be not only passengers who are in the front seats, but passengers who are in the rear seats, in all vehicles that are equip