get dressed, wake up everyone, wake up everyone, katya, tikhomirova, connection with the tower, yes, get a blast with a high-explosive fugitive, and where is the loader, mother, i’m here, there! wait, wait, you’re not thinking about the task, just get over it, we can wait a little longer, you understand why there is no explosion, go away, go away, rusbaev, high-explosive fragmentation, charge the prison, nachladen! load, load, faster, second gun adjustment eight high-explosive fragmentation fugitive high-explosive fragmentation, you are undershot, the first second gun, the crooked landmark has been created. zuruck, zuruck! achtung! you know how to get out safely, now you will lead us, lyutikovsky retreat koruti, run, retreat to the guns, retreat to the guns, as you can hear, continue to fire on the infantry, continue to fire on the infantry, lyudikov i said, retreat, let's go down, i'll get you i'll cover it, i have a selfish interest, lyuchinko, go away, take care of the children, and the personnel too, when we are at the arch, immediately down, as i understand, i understand , sonya