keshri and as always thank you the greatest samdar.r excellency said last year that the government has a strange appetite for controlling companies. the government now controls iran khodro with 5% of its shares . they complained about the government's interference. they said that the government's interference has led iran khodro and saipa to bankruptcy. the management should be handed over and if we do not succeed within 5 years. they will execute us in azadi square. they wanted the shares of these two companies to be completely transferred to the private sector. i heard yesterday that in some companies that the government is a partner of the private sector. with the government's share is not a large share, the management is in the hands of the government. in my opinion, it is not logical to leave the management to the people themselves, to the shareholders of the companies. an issue that the president ordered to follow up twice in the last two years. iran itself has problems in terms of its governance. i think it is one of those place