yakovlevich, finberg, and of course, we have recruited about four new vocalists, artists, young, both out. we had monthly auditions for almost a year, we held auditions for vocalists on a certain date, 10 people came, five people every month, but we heard those whom i would like to see in the orchestra, that is, i would like to see you in orchestra, so i said this after listening, and people we are happy for this is a dream for us too, that is , it coincided, admit there were no offenses on the part of the old-timers, because the arty people are offended... and you know, i’m basically, well, an orchestra player myself, i played for a lot of years, and i also tinkered with this idea, you know, that musicians, as a rule, are always dissatisfied, no matter how good or bad it is, it’s still a priority, well such musicians, you know, they are such a specific people, and they are happy with the stage, when there is a concert they feel that they are emotional, oh, how great, here they are... traditions are great for them, because such a group, you yourself have already admitted, that this is