but in life it’s simple. .. connoisseurs of mysterious mountains will definitely go to six letters: khibinynon that only selected tourists can see, and this depends on the height, width and something inexplicable, colored snow with the aroma of summer striped berries, pink. this is bacteria, we call it watermelon snow, it smells like watermelon, although here you really don’t smell, in fact this effect is given by chlamydomonas algae, which love sub-zero temperatures celsius, but people who want to experience warm emotions in winter are welcome to a racing mountain track in a neighboring eco-village, well, let's go, blue -eyed huskies are able to cover almost 100 km in snowy, snow-drifted expanses in a day. where are we there are dogs, those that understand commands , let’s say, the smartest ones, then there are the fastest dogs that set the pace for the team, at the very end of the team there are the strongest dogs that pull the team off, that is, the entire start of the team begins with the very last dogs , well, what would the polar region be without real deer, and you can ride one of th