would be this warm emotional connection with him, as with our such a patron, skovoroda, shevilyov, khvylovwe realized, well, how to revive that memory, in the process we realized that we are actually reflecting not about the wavemaker, but about ourselves, that the memory is not what was before, but what what is happening to us now, that memory is about us, that all our reflections are stories about the wave, these are primarily stories about us, yes, that is, she synchronizes. as well as the fact that the wave carrier today helps us understand ourselves, or it doesn’t help, or somehow it happened that the project of the pro-wave carrier was named not the pro-wave carrier, and we had the idea of such a ship, a city ship, and aflaston is a figurehead , this is the most exciting, but we understood that we will never see his face, we will always be behind him, we will only see him like this from the back of his head, because kostya says, how can i... cut a tree' i'm not even a figurehead i imagine, i don't understand, yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the master of the ship, and, and it turned