an argument seems to start in kiriyama.a's wife is being challenged over her lack of communication with him since he's been living at the centre. katana's wife feels under attack. i asked to speak to her alone. i hoped to defuse her anger and listen to her. katana's wife was amongst many questioned by the police but released with no charges. while tambala is surrounded by love, i'm left with nothing but sorrow. while tambala is surrounded by love, i'm left with nothing but sorrow here. i'm told that the mere fact that katana has survived means many believe he must be a witch, so his very existence puts him at a greater risk of attack. i fear he will never go home. before i leave, i want to know if there is any resolution to david's situation. his son chris has agreed to talk to me. i'm a bit anxious about meeting chris. i don't know how he will take this, but also his dad cares for him and loves him and wants to have a relationship with him. so i'm hopeful that him knowing this will kind of soften it, but i'm still quite an