this was exactly such a reaction, and that's why it was so quick, such a quick invitation to minister kolida came to believe from beijing, that is, relatively speaking, this is such a yellow card to the kremlin, or even we can expect the nearest, the nearest future, at least weeks, months. some kind of curtailment of support from china, what with side of china in relation to russia? well, i don't think that china is globally interested in the end of the war in ukraine, because it, now, i mean, perceives the war in ukraine, exclusively as a drain of resources from the west and in the first place. from the united states of america, which they announced as, well, let's say, not a strategic enemy now, but a strategic adversary, so in this case it is necessary to understand that china, for china, the war in ukraine, or the russian-ukrainian war , this is a war somewhere on the periphery, what is happening is important to them along the lines of, just... their relationship with the united states of america, you remember that xi jinping, during his inaugural address, then announced that there is no